
SampsonRMC's 皮肤病学实习 is a rigorous and competitive program that has attracted top physicians across the nation. 旨在提供一个全面的方案,提供临床, 程序上的, and didactic education in both the inpatient and outpatient settings, 这个项目帮助住院医生变得有能力, 精通, and 专业 dermatologists who are certified by the American Board of Dermatology.

Residents in our program participate in didactic and clinic sessions and complete rotations in settings provided by SampsonRMC.  Clinical experience is designed to assure longitudinal and continuity of care training that includes hands-on experience, 自我评价, 以及教师评估.

With a 100% pass rate for the American Board of Dermatology certification, our 皮肤病学实习 program is committed to offering superior clinical and educational experiences for our residents. We are dedicated to providing excellent patient care to the communities that we serve by delivering the highest quality of medical, 激光, 化妆品, 外科皮肤科. Residents are taught in an educational environment that supports both 专业 and personal growth and teaches residents to practice dermatology in a respectful, 专业, 道德态度.

在SampsonRMC, we are dedicated to providing an atmosphere of research and clinical study that will improve each resident's knowledge base and create a culture of life-long learning. Residents are involved in various clinical settings and demographics throughout North Carolina that strengthen residents’ respect for different cultures and methods of dermatological practice. Our staff is diligent in recruitment of multi-talented residents who reflect the 专业ism and passion for serving that our diverse community deserves.

赞助 & 从属关系

  • 坎贝尔大学杰瑞·M. 华莱士骨科医学院
  • 大西洋皮肤病
  • 极光诊断
  • 卡罗莱纳海岸病理学
  • 威尔明顿健康皮肤科
  • 新汉诺威地区医疗中心 


Jarrett Casale, DO






Paarth Dodia, DO


Ryan Geis, DO


Kayd Pulsipher, DO



工资 & 利益的信息

Pgy2 - 58140美元
Pgy3 - 60180美元
Pgy4 - 61,200美元


PGY2 - 2000美元/年- 7月1000美元/ 1月1000美元
PGY3 - $2,000/年- 7月$1,000 / 1月$1,000
PGY4 - $2,000/年- 7月$1,000 / 1月$1,000

SampsonRMC为居民提供全面的健康保险福利. Residents have the choice between a traditional PPO Plan and HDHD plan. All benefit plans are effective upon hire date, thus there is no waiting period for benefit coverage. 回顾一下我们目前的福利待遇, 点击这里.

Through didactic and clinical experiences in outpatient and inpatient settings, 住院医生将获得基本知识, 技能, 的态度, 以及实践的基本原则. 这是通过照顾一个大, diverse patient population with a broad variety of pathology; the design of treatment programs that integrate osteopathic manipulative treatment into total osteopathic medical management of all disease processes; and attendance at formal educational programs.

临床经验包括皮肤病理学, 莫氏手术, 一般, 化妆品, 儿童皮肤病学. The resident will receive hands-on experience at the once weekly resident continuity clinic and inpatient consults at 新汉诺威地区医疗中心. 除了在诊所和医院照顾病人, 我们的住院医师参加严格的教学课程, 每年参加几次全国皮肤科会议, 发表皮肤学领域的前沿研究成果.

教学方法包括讲座, 会议, 研讨会, 示威活动, 模拟, 组织切片的个体和群体研究, 临床轮, 在病人护理环境中的指导, 图表和记录评审, faculty-trainee sessions in both small groups and one-on-one sessions, 书籍和期刊评论, 参加当地的, 区域, 全国会议.

Due to the breadth of dermatology and the unpredictable nature of which diseases and conditions will be seen in clinical settings, dermatology requires a substantial investment of trainee time in learning outside of the clinical setting. Our didactic curriculum covers a range of diseases seen in dermatology, but significant and sustained self-study is essential to becoming a highly competent dermatologist. Residents have different approaches to this, but on average, read 6-12 hours per week. 这种解读应该以两种主要方式引导, the first being required to read or review materials such as slides and/or textbook chapters in preparation for didactic sessions and small group microscope sessions; the second being individual reading directed by personal interest cases seen throughout the day, which facilitates increased uptake and retention of clinical knowledge.

居民会议在每个月的第一个星期一举行. 每次会议需要一名住客做会议记录. 项目主管将出席. Program Directors will also have weekly office hours available to residents. This enables the directors and residents to meet informally and address any questions or concerns as they arise.

Our didactic curriculum is organized to ensure resident exposure to the complete range of disorders encountered by dermatologists. 每12个月进行一次临床检查, 居民将涵盖基础科学, 程序上的皮肤, 小儿皮肤病, 皮肤病理学, 美容皮肤科. 平均, our curriculum requires substantial weekly reading outside of clinical hours, 每晚一到两个小时,每周150-200页.

外科和美容皮肤科培训包括缝合诊所, 肉毒杆菌, 注射剂, 激光, 硬化疗法, PRP教学和实践培训, 新产品演示.